Aunt B

Archive for the ‘Self-Esteem Issues’ Category

You See???

In Advice, Affairs of the Heart, Self Improvement, Self-Esteem Issues, Take Control, Taking Charge, Taking Control, Teen Advice, Teen Issues on June 27, 2009 at 8:04 pm

Saturday, June 27, 2009

You See???

Dear Aunt B,

So I went to my cousin’s wedding today and I saw this really cute guy. I kept looking at him and so did my friend. We were talking and I called him hot then me and my friend hurried away. He followed us around and stuff in the halls and we didn’t mind. He was like tickling us and it was fun and I think I really like him. So my friend got caught and had to sit upstairs with her parents and me and this boy kissed a few times until i had to go upstairs. He has my number and we’ve been texting but I don’t think he like likes me….I really don’t know. I’m confused because I really like him…




Dear ShyandSecluded,

Lol… okay, I am laughing a little at the shy & secluded bit, because this situation sounds pretty bold!!

At any rate, the situation you have now is probably a good one. For all intent and purpose, this texting relationship is the slow-get-t-know ride that will help you decide if you actually do like this guy, or were merely attracted to his looks.

As for him, who knows if he likes you, maybe that is why he is texting you. I’d pretty much say he does to the point of being interested in you, because guys generally don’t text/write/call if they are just not that into you.

Keep up the texting, and see where it leads 🙂

Brightest Blessings


Dearest ShyandSecluded,

Well, suffice it to say, I am not a mind reader but it’s not Rocket Science to see that he followed you, kissed you and more importantly took your number and texts you.

My advice to you is pretty simple and something, words you might always use;
Lay out the situation in your mind, lay out the journey you want to take and envision it, the how to’s the what have’s and how you might arrive at your intended destination. In simpler terms; If it is your goal to further this relationship with this or any other fella, you must simply think of a way to make it happen. Be so bold and say what needs to be said to get what you want.

The important part of this is even simpler…envision any and all possible responses to any question you might need an answer to. In other words, if you are going to ask him out, let’s say, you think about all possible answers he might give you. He might very well be shy and evasive, right? Well, then you might make it easier for him by breaking the ice and inviting him to something, i.e., the movies, skating, even out for ice cream. Simpler yet, how about meeting at the park or even somewhere more neutral, as in where there are lots of people, possibly the Mall and no room for uncomfortable situations.

The essence of my advice is for you to think of all possible answers to any question you might pose to him. This gives you the benefit of bracing yourself for any let down you might come across therefore bolstering yourself and possibly taking away any of the sting in the mix.

For real though, if you set yourself up for a fall, meaning if you ask him, in a bold fashion any question but you’ve already looked at all the possibilities, any and all answers he might give and learn not to take them personal, then you’ll have the program down pat. The point being that, take note, if he tells you NO to any question or invite, you must not take it personal because it just wasn’t meant to be. You See???

Keeping It Real,

Aunt B

Written by Staff & Ask Aunt B at 12:56 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Be An Onion

In Anorexia, Bulimic, Burned Out Busted or Dead, Campaign for Real Beauty, Commentary, Guys in High School, Models, Self-Esteem Issues on March 21, 2009 at 3:40 pm

Dear Aunt Babz,

Okay so this is my first time writing you but okay so there’s this guy who i’ve never been interested in, never found him attractive or anything. i met him once and i see him around school alot in between classes and at lunch but lately i’ve been really noticing him more and wanting to see him and talk to him. i don’t talk to him much either, just say hey in the hall but i never cared until recently. now when i see him i try to put on my cutest face and my best attitude when he says hey and the times when he doesnt i worry if he didnt notice me. i mean i think he notices me and looks at me and stuff like that but i dont know if thats just because i want him to. although i know if i were to like him itd be all too weird and he would never like me. heres the story, over winter break he had a bonfire and this was before i knew him and i was invited by a friend of his who i once liked so i went and there was alcohol and things happened and me and the friend of his that i once liked i wouldnt call it hooked up because we did nothing sexual just kissed alot and i totally regret it, i was going through alot then and i dont know why i did it but besides the point. i then started to talk to another friend who was there, we talked a little just as friends but i did start to like him but got over that, so im sure he would want nothing to do with me. but the thing is i dont know if i like him, all this came up so sudden and i dont know how to go about it. the thing with him too is that he’ll be real nice one day then act like i dont exist the next. im soo confused and i dont know what to do. can you help please?

Dear Reader ,

Guys in High School and even after that can be so fickle. First and foremost, appearances are everything to them. What I mean by this is that they are quite absorbed with how they might appear in front of their peers and especially their pals. If you look back at the times that he did not act like you were there, I’d be willing to bet that one or more of his pals were around.

I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my kids. I just recently had a long talk with one of my many daughter-in-laws(I already consider her part of the family), Gwen, who is engaged to my youngest son, Waylon. He’s not always considerate, I suppose and referred to her as his “Baby’s Mama.” She was hurt by it, his comment, when actually he meant no harm.

Gwen had also expressed a bit of dismay when he said something to the effect of, “Hey Woman” or “Hey Lady,” either of which I see no problem with. But she felt it was disrespectful. Now, I know that he meant no harm especially since he’s even calls me that, now and again. Now of course, being me, “Babz the Blab,” the one who knows all/sees all, guru of advice, told her what I am telling you now ;

Be An Onion

Aunt B, what the heck does that mean? Well my Dear, that means in order for you to make it in this life, you’ve got to take things less personally. You’ve got to be like an onion with it’s many layers.

Now, I’m not telling you not to have feelings, quite on the contrary. What I’m saying is that you’ve got to prioritize what’s important to feel and what’s not or rather what to take personally and what not to allow to devastate or affect you. It’s like this; if you can catch on to what I’m saying now, you’ll save yourself a lifetime full of heartache and pain.

I found through the years that I allowed people to own my feelings and even dictate how I felt about myself. I wasted many good years, overly concerned about and caring too often what people thought of me.

While it’s important to live by society’s rules and to be accepted, as we all strive for acceptance, you must be careful and calculating. I would encourage you to be cautious as to what or who you allow to influence you. Also, you must gauge what weight and merit you give as to what shapes who you really are.

I say this because, well, allow me to state that I certainly feel too much emphasis is placed and the wrong messages are sent concerning what our society feels is the norm or acceptable.


Case in point, while we all wish to be fashionable, let me point out that the emphasis we place on how we are supposed to appear and what is defined as beauty is certainly questionable. This attitude affects you as well as just about every school age child/preteen/teen and young adult.

Yes, this logic that, i.e., the fashion industry fosters, a key player in our views of acceptability, tend to project and breed a rather dysfunctional mindset and way of thinking. Our perceptions of beauty, (society in large) are so distorted, it has literally ruled our actions for far too long. Personally, I hold them in contempt.

I have an extremely harsh view of an industry which knowingly encourages *Anorexia, although they’ll deny it all day long. It’s a well known fact that in order for these models to maintain their weight, they have to starve themselves. Once these girls have surpassed their prime and they find themselves, “Burned Out, Busted or Near Dead,” they often become*Bulimic.

This whole scenario makes me so angry, I could spit nails. See, because of your perceptions, because of what you see on T.V., magazines and in the movies, the youth today, as well as your peers have an almost sinful conceptualization of true beauty and appearance.

The point of the matter as well as how this applies to you is simple; I firmly believe if you “just be you, no matter what,” if he’s into you, he’ll notice when and if the time is right.

Keep in mind that, as I stated at the beginning of this post, guys are all about appearances. “Do I or will I look cool if I do this or that?” “Will I seem uncool if I wave at her?” “What will my friends think if I act like I like her?”

Guys have self-esteem issues too and often behave insecurely. If it’s not insecurity, you know, his behavior, then let me point out something; If this guy is shallow (and I’m not saying he is) or superficial enough that he can’t be himself and has to put up a front, you must examine if he’s the right guy for you?

I’ll welcome you to write me again.Possibly read this and search yourself as to what applies, where you can apply it, garner what you can. Then, let me know how things turn out, please?

Check out Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty

Keeping It Real,

Aunt Babz



Good Medicine

In Beliefs and Values, Environmental, Gay Issues, Personal Commentary, Post Journal, Predisposition, Racial Hatred, Racial Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Social-Cultural, WWJD on October 30, 2008 at 3:48 pm

Beware This Post Contains Profanity & Racial Overtones

Dear Aunt B,

Hello. I need some advice. I love my boyfriend and known him for years but started dating a couple months ago. He treats me good, shows me love and always calls me. The only thing is I feel like he has a lot of hatred in him. He doesn’t like black people and hates gay people. Were both 19 years old. He also has a temper. He won’t get violent but he will verbally. I’m afraid of how our future is going to be. Is this something he can grow out of? Should I be worried? I love this guy, hes everything to me. He has a good heart but he has his moments you know? What do you think I should do?

Dear Anonymous,

There are a few things going on here and I will address them one at a time;

#1 – You two are still very young. I am not saying that you two wouldn’t end up together in 30 years. But the likelihood is not really there. At any rate, you two are very young and still have a lot to learn about yourselves, and yes he could change. Not saying it would be for the better, but he can change. Have you ever talked openly with him about his hatred? I ask because if he doesn’t “know” that it is a problem then he likely won’t change his mind. He may have been brought up with certain prejudices and needs to know the value of perspective and how that can affect a relationship in order to grow. So if you haven’t talked with him, that would be step one.

#2 – You say he is not violent but is verbally. Is he verbally abusive to you? Because this is a whole other ball park of situations. If he is verbally abusive to you, then you need to tell him and seek help, or get the hell out of that relationship if he refuses to change. I am a firm believer that verbal abuse does indeed lead to physical abuse, and often is more scaring because of the things that can be said. Do not put yourself through that.

#3 – if he is not verbally abusive to you, but is to others then the same thing applies for #2.

#4 – if he has shared with you his dislike for black people and gay people, but is not mean or threatening.. And i know i will be raked over the coals for this one.. But he is human and is entitled to like and dislike things even if it makes absolutely no sense to you, as long as he is not hurting anyone. We are all in this world and like and dislike or understand/not understand certain things. Just because people have different views doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. It means they have an opinion. As long as that decision is not hurting you, or others, then i think it is something you two can get over. For an example, i am not a religious person. Doesn’t mean that i hate all religious people. I have an opinion about what people believe in, but i am tolerant and believe that given the opportunity everyone is ultimately just trying to do better by themselves. So it makes no matter what god they choose to believe in. When it comes to religions banning things like gay marriage though, that is when i get upset and start talking to my personal opinion as to why religions are hurtful instead of good. It really is all dependant on the use of respect, and what he is choosing to say (and by that i mean live by what he says).

So, in short, you need to figure out where this guy lays in the spectrum of things. If he is being abusive, then you need to have a discussion and pending the outcome of that may need to move on. But if he was sharing something with you in confidence and isn’t outwardly being a prick, then this is a case of weather you can stay with someone who has a different moral then you. Not a difference of right or wrong (even if we may have a version of what’s right or wrong in our heads).

Hope this has helped you out a little. Let us know how you decided.

Brightest Blessings,


Dear Anonymous,

It took a minute to answer you simply because this is such a complex question. It’s a life changer, your situation, your life. It’s huge, this scenario and it effects so many people. The ramifications are bigger than life. Please bear with me as I am guilty of being long winded…

I want you to know, that even though I don’t know you, I know you, ok? I hope you take all I have to say to you seriously. This is a Good Medicine, I want you to swallow. It may be a bit bitter and a tad bit jagged but I care enough to give it to you.¿Comprende?

I think you have every reason in the world to be concerned. There are several factors that make up who/what we are, as well as our outlook on life. This applies to everyone, everywhere, no matter who you are. These factors are also prevalent in addiction(my specialty) and sexuality. You may apply this knowledge to all value and belief systems. They are;

  1. Predisposition
  2. Social-Cultural
  3. Environmental

Quite often there are values and beliefs that are taught to us by our parents. We also learn them from people around us, you know, friends, associates and often from what we see and hear. The ground work is usually layed down by our parents. These habits, values and beliefs may have come from a long line of such. In other words, the person can be taught to hate, have prejudice just as he/she has been taught. Old habits often die hard and the legacy some family’s leave their kin is often racial or sexual bias’ and prejudice.

It is very unfortunate and more often than not, children see and hear this prejudice from their very own inner circle, their own family members. The parents may not even realize that they are teaching their children these things because, for them, it has been handed down, like an old coat, it becomes second nature.

It is a personal commentary for me to say this but quite often our religious beliefs can fester and foster such hatred. Without realizing it, again, we may have been taught certain religious thoughts or doctrine which harbor hatred and animosity.

You have many different religions, based on different beliefs and quite often the very differences between those religions is based on twists and interpretations of the Word. In other words, the Bible(most popular and read book of all time) more than any other book, has been misquoted, misread, misused and misrepresented. A lot has been lost in translation and even more in interpretation. This in fact, rounds out to be why we believe as we do; The good, bad and ugly.

It has been recorded within the hate crimes statistics that religious beliefs have often spurred violence, in example the beatings of gays because certain individuals believe it is wrong in a religious aspect. As well, Blacks have been beaten, in the not so distant past, for dating a white woman. Long standing religious thought was, that you did not date/marry outside of your race.


It is an extremely sad commentary on life itself with this kind of thinking, especially in a religious context. I will not delve too deeply into this subject because it entails a far reaching religious, political as well as social commentary but suffice it to mention that I dare say I do not believe that killing, beating, ridiculing, etc., over race, creed or sexual preference in the name of God can not be acceptable.


I will say this much; I’ve been around the block, a time or two. I’ve come across all kinds of people. In my travels, my almost 50 years upon this earth, I’ve seen so much, often times, too much. I grew up in the South and witnessed, first hand, racial tension, race riots and sexual discrimination, in every shape and form. It’s just ugly beyond ugly.

I have learned this much and you need to point this out to your beau, when the opportunity presents itself; there’s trash in every race, creed and sexual preference. Once we realize this we have to observe that not everybody of a certain race, color, as well as gay are all bad.

Yes, the ones that are bad tend to spoil the pot and create dissension. Should a Black man hate, “Whitey,” because of the white trash that treated him badly? And should a White man hate all Blacks because some did act like, what is commonly referred to as a “N*****?”

Somehow, even if it is indirectly, you must say to him or in front of him that he must always remember to treat others as he’d want to be treated. If the opportunity presents itself, pose this pertinent question; If he were born Black, through no fault of his own, would he want White guys like him, even uttering the words he so fondly uses, “Nigger?”

In the same scenario, I’ll allow you to read a comment I left on the ***local paper here, concerning Gay Marriage. The article has a lot of banter back and forth in the comments section and of course, me and my big mouth just had to weigh in. It explains, in brief, how I feel;

“This scenario hits home
for me as one of my
sons is Gay. He is my best friend and a wonderful
person. I don’t like the fact
that he is Gay, not for religious reasons but
because of all the stereotypical
things associated with Gays. They are
assumed to be deviant, pedophilic and out
and out abhorrent. He has suffered
tremendously at the hands of close minded,
judgmental know-it-alls in this
world. He has been beaten down by the so called
“Religious Fanatics” as well
as the “[Redneck] Nation.” And when I say beat down,
I mean in a literal
sense to where I had to defend him on numerous occasions,
even at gunpoint,
down South in the late ‘80’s. I can not even write here, what
they did to
him. He was beaten unconscious, right here in this town because of
who he

…I would never defend the
Gays who march
around, acting [queer]ly, behaving deviantly, promiscuously
as they are the ones
who give good/loving, relationship seeking, Gay men and
women a bad name. It is
this behavior, deviance, promiscuity that God has a
problem with. Let me point
out though that our God, as well, has issue with
heterosexuals who behave the
same way, i.e. they go out on a Friday night,
to party and go home with the
first guy/gal that she/he meets. They sleep
with them and may not even know
their name and then look forward to the next
weekend where they’ll do it all
over again. Believe me, I am not pointing
fingers…I did it too. May God forgive

…The point is that contrary
to what you might
believe, most are born gay and their attraction to the
opposite sex is hardwired
into their makeup just as prevalent as any
heterosexuals taste/fancy, a man and
his extreme attraction to woman, for
example. And if they are born gay, does God
make mistakes? I do not believe
He does and He does know the heart of that
person. For those that seek out a
loving relationship with the same sex, I
somehow do not believe that God
condemns for this. Again, it is deviant behavior
that He detests Homo or

I’ve watched a loving
relationship that could
not be honored by Civil Union. I knew that his
significant, we’ll call “B” could
not put him on his Insurance. I watched as
they built their home together, a
home that B, who I call my son-in-law, had
purchased prior to their meeting.
They paid bills together, furnished the
house and fixed it up. Yes, they made it
a “home.” But if B were to die, we
were made painfully aware that my son would
not get that home, this place
that was lovingly put together by the two of them.
Hell, even if B was in
the Hospital, possibly dieing, my son would not be even
considered immediate
family. The one person that B would want there with him
possibly to hold his
hand as he took his dieing breath, would be an outcast and
not allowed there
to comfort him with that same love they shared…

…I have real issue with
parading Gays, acting
outlandish, even freakish because that’s what you, Joe
Q. Public believe is a
gay person. A lot of bad apples have rotted the
barrel of perception. You don’t
see the mild mannered gay who just wants to
live as close to normal life, with
the one they love. You might not know
them because they don’t want to be
associated with those outlandish people.
They simply want to honor their love
for the one person who makes them
smile, shares their laughter and love, good
and bad, in sickness and in
health. They simply want to be able to provide and
pass on the security of a
loving relationship, whether it is through
inheritance, insurance or what
not. They simply want the same respect that a
married man and woman have for
the same simply reason, people marry every single
day. Ask yourself; Why do
men and women marry beyond the religious aspect of the
ceremony? This is the
exact same reason, your answer to that question, why Gay’s
want Civil

Having said all that, (Yes, I shoot from the hip, always have, always will)I want you to really think about a few things. First of all, I question personally, if this guy is good for you. Why you ask? Well, I’ve just got this feeling. I don’t know if you realize it or not but for someone to be verbally abusive is just about as bad as physical abuse. Abuse is abuse is abuse, ok? I’ve been there, done that and regret the whole time I wasted thinking I could fix things and get his negative ass to calm down.

Think about this too; Do you really think he respects you if he talks to you like that? Every relationship must be founded on just a few things; Trust and Respect. If you have neither, you have no relationship. You must have both…

Oh, you say he respects you? Well, let me put it all into perspective; Think of one person he respects, whether it be his Dad, a Teacher, Police Officer, whomever? Would he talk smack to them? Would he verbally abuse them? No, he wouldn’t because he knows there are repercussions for that behavior. Similar to respecting a Law, you don’t break it unless you have no respect for it.

It’s a shame but sometimes people are just dripping with negativity. They know nothing else. Quite often also, they will only allow the emotion “ANGER,” and nothing else. It’s a survival technique they’ve learned long ago. They are often the type who just loves to instill fear in people. It’s a sure sign of self-esteem issues and more often than not, they have a very low self-esteem. But you wouldn’t think it, huh? No, he’s cocky to a fault and seems sure footed. But here’s the gig; He treats you like he does because it’s the only way he can feel superior.

Take a careful look at his friends. I’d be willing to bet that most of his friends fear him. They are his minions and do everything possible not to piss him off. Yea, he’s a real machine gun when he gets fired up and nobody wants to get him on a roll. I hate to ask this question but are you a **minion too?

I do not want you to waste another minute. I do not want you, 20 years from now, thinking, “Damn, Aunt B was right.You can not fix him.

Nothing changes unless he wants fixed, remember this. Furthermore, he can’t and will not change if he’s not willing to look in the mirror. I can see that he is dripping negativity, while you are the exact opposite. You look for the Silver Lining in everything around you, every person, every situation. Thus, you see only his good side. Never change that about yourself, G-Friend. Be you at all costs. But make damn sure you do not allow him to take you down.

How do I know all this? I lived it. I really believed in him, I loved him like no tomorrow. He did everything he could to break my spirit and he almost won. I wish I’d have had an Aunt B that would sit me down and say, “Girl, you are bright and beautiful and he is snuffing out your light. Why would you allow this to continue? Why, if you know he is drowning in his own vile hatred, do you think you can continue to love yourself when he does his best to best you and make you feel like shit? How can you talk yourself into to thinking you love someone who represents all that is mean and angry? Yes, I know, he’s good in bed but you can’t live your life in bed. I also know he has a really good side and I know he can be so sweet at times. But the question is; Can you really look in the mirror, deep into your heart and tell me everything is going to be ok?”

If per chance, you find your love is so strong you are willing to endure his behaviors, if perchance you do not heed my warnings, if perchance you think I’m full of shit and don’t know diddly squat…I want you to at least begin to “Plant Seeds.” What that means is, without being confrontational, you begin an assault, a mind set where you make short-n-sweet statements. If he says something that’s real derogatory, like when he’s yelling at you, you ask him if it’s really necessary for him to act this way? If he’s busting on someone or about something, as calm as still water, you say, “You should calm down, this isn’t really good for you to get all worked up over such a little thing.” By saying this, he’ll have to think for a minute, (it may also afford a minute or two for him to stop the tirade, you know, break his momentum)especially that maybe he looks like an asshole going on and on about the little things.

Seriously though, guys like him die early because of blood pressure, etc. and even worse, I have concern for your well being. Enough said!

He’s got to learn that all this hatred he spits out is and will eventually come back and bite him in the ass. How do I know that? Yep, I have big bite marks on my bum. You know, I never believed in Karma and such but you treat enough people like crap and my good friend, Mz. Karma Bitchslap™ knocks on your door.

Keeping It Real,

Aunt Babz

*WWJD; What Would Jesus Do???


  1. An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.
  2. A subordinate official, especially a servile one.

***Post Journal; Who
Defines Gay Marriage

Kick Him To the Curb

In Finding Mr.Right, Relationship Issues, Self-Esteem Issues on July 18, 2008 at 1:30 pm

Dear Aunt B,
I slept with an acquaintance. He & I used to subtly flirt, and I knew he
was interested in me. One thing led to another, and before we knew it,
we were in bed together for an entire Sunday. He spent the whole time
worshipping me. It wasn’t just about the sex that day, we also spent
time talking and getting to know each other. He expressed interest in
seeing me again, and I obliged. We never made definite plans, but we
left on a good note. The sex was anything but awkward. It was
wonderful. When I didn’t hear from him the next day, I sent him a text
message asking him when we could see each other again. He gave me the
cold shoulder and later told me that he didn’t think it was a good idea
to see me again. He never gave me an explanation, he just told me over
& over again that it “wasn’t a good idea.” I stopped calling, but I
broke down and texted him about 2 weeks after the time we slept
together. He told me he didn’t want to see me, and he didn’t want me to
contact him either. I just don’t understand. I tried to get a reason
out of him, but he refuses to tell me anything! I know for a fact that
he is single/unmarried. I am a good looking, fun loving woman. He made
it clear that he thought I was gorgeous. I think I would have been able
to handle the rejection better if he would have given me a reason, so I
can make some kind of sense of it. I already feel incredibly stupid for
making an ass of myself, and I feel horrible that he coldly told me not
to contact him at all ever again. I don’t know what to do, and I am
stewing. He’s making me think I’m crazy, like I had imagined the whole
thing. How could he not be interested after he spent our day acting as
if I were his god? I guess I need advice on a.) how to get over this
rejection and b.) how to turn the tables on him. I must see this man a
few times a week for short periods of time at my workplace. How do you
think I should act when he comes in? If it helps, I am 26 and he is 31.
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

Dear Reader,

Very few people handle any form of rejection very well, especially without explanation. Maybe this guy feels like an ass because he did behave the way he did? Were you drinking? If the answer is yes, he may have behaved in a manner that was unbecoming to him and he’s feeling rather embarrassed.

It’s easier said than done but you can’t take all this personally. I realize you enjoyed his company but I get the distinct feeling that this guy, well, he’s not the one. Now, smooth out those tail feathers, re-apply your lipstick and smile because the right guy with the right stuff isn’t too far away. Yes, you’ve seen him before. You really didn’t notice him. He’s not drop dead gorgeous but a decent looking guy. Did he wink at you? He has a mix of new and old school values, appreciates a good woman, respects them and is not intimidated by a smart woman, such as yourself. In fact, you are just the sort of woman he will bend over backwards to make you smile. He’s a funny guy and until needed and necessary, does not take life too seriously.

Open your eyes, take the blinders off. Thus far, you’ve toyed with the notion of a certain type of guy. But the kind of guy you’ve been looking for is exactly like this guy that blew you off. It’s not you, G-Friend, it’s them and your high expectations.

Lower that criteria or at least analyze it because you’ve missed what is right in front of you. Normally, you might never consider this fella I’m referring to. I see him and he’s of average height and build. No, he’s not buff or athletic. He’s not rich but he is focused. He doesn’t come from the same background as you. He’ll be your very best friend though and you’ll never be at a loss of words with him.

You took a smack down of your self esteem. There is no explanation as to why this guy behaved as he did except that it was all a front, a game and he was a good actor. Realize that he’s not the one and blow him off. Take control here and kick him to the curb, in your mind. The best thing you could do for yourself is to smile when you see him. Inside though, you will see and feel what an incredulous ass this guy actually is and that will make you smile. It’s an inside joke and he’s the punchline. Mark my words.

Let me know when Mr.Right takes your breath away, will ya?

Keeping It Real,

Aunt Babz

Never Lose Sight of What is Right

In Aunt Babz, Fear, Gay Family Matters, Gay Issues, Gay Lifestyle, Gayness, Porcelain Confessions, Seek Counseling, Self-Esteem Issues, Small Still Voice, Soulseer, Xmichra on February 17, 2008 at 1:48 pm

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Never Lose Sight of What is Right…

Dear Aunt B,

I am afraid. Afraid of life. I’m a teenager studying in an all boys school and my life is a complete mess. I no longer enjoy the things I used to do because others say it’s only what losers do. I’m afraid of going out with my own family now for fear of being spotted by classmates who are out with friends and being called a loser. The things I used to enjoy like reading, playing video games and playing sports for just fun are now a complete waste of time for me. To add to that, my “friends” keep on teasing and insulting me because I don’t go out with them and they don’t believe my excuses. Why would I, anyway? All they’ll do is drink and smoke while I strive to be free of bad habits. For them, these are what “cool” guys do. Once I did go out with a close friend but all he did was embarrass me. I’m afraid of every school day and the night before for fear that something bad’s gonna happen. I also believe I’m losing my friends and losing my self- esteem. Sometimes, I barely sleep at night for lack of peace at heart. I’m nervous every time I go out by myself and I’m losing self confidence. I don’t have the courage to talk anymore because they’ll just laugh and mock the things I say. I’m suspecting that I’m always gossiped about and backstabbed at school. I think I’m also despised at class because I’m not good in sports, which I think is a very shallow reason. To wrap it all up, I’m not enjoying life. I realize just how young I am and to not enjoy life now would affect my future badly. So please, I pray, help me make my life happy again. I wouldn’t want to jump into any quick and dangerous solutions. Thanks for your help, I will greatly appreciate it.
Respectfully Yours,


Dear Anonymous,

You are not designed, to have a **spirit of fear. Remember this.

My answer may seem a bit long winded but I hope you’ll read it, as well as Soulseer and Xmichra’s answers for you.

I like your standards and I think they’re quite commendable. Stand your ground. Never compromise good values and beliefs. If you have to be this way, the rest of your natural born life, never bow to peer pressure. Those that are supposed friends, who act and behave in a manner unbecoming, unworthy of your friendship are exactly that; Unworthy of your friendship!

Stand your ground, even if you have to stand alone. But hold your head up high, unpretentiously. Never have an air of superiority. Let me point out to you, that quite often, those that attack you, most certainly feel beneath you, in one way or another. You must not allow this to take you down. No, in fact, you must allow it to empower you, spur you on to becoming a better person. It all comes down to self esteem. Yes, self esteem, yours, there’s, ours, almost always, factor in as to how you are perceived, how you are treated and so forth.

I can see that you are highly intelligent. You’ve managed to learn, gained some wisdom, early on as to what works and what doesn’t, what’s smart and what’s not so smart.

In all due reality, I more than realize, just how difficult it is, to be your own person. I mean, we all want to be accepted, that’s just a fact. Equally, when we are not, it can and does weigh heavily. More dumb and regrettable crap is done, in the name of peer pressure, than we’d all, ever, care to admit. I did it, you’ve done it but we must choose, to live our lives, by learning from our mistakes. When we choose to learn from those mistakes, they are no longer mistakes but learning experiences. In my journey, I have many and will have many more. As well, you will too. Live and learn, that’s all.


In the real world, as we walk through our every day life, you will eventually realize that you are alone. You must often stand against the world, in a dilemma, crisis or pain and bear the brunt of it all, virtually alone. Yes, you’ll most likely have a mate, family and friends, to share in some of this but for the most part, you’ll find, it’s just you and you alone. This may sound dismal? But my point is that it is you who must look in the mirror and you must learn to be honest with yourself. It is also you, who must know how to, not fold under pressure.

Answer to no one but yourself and your Higher Power, which I personally choose to call God. Do nothing which goes against your grain. See, I am a firm believer in, what I call the, “Small, Still Voice.” It is your conscience, as some may call it, I believe it is our Spirit, which has been installed to guide us through life. If you begin to pay attention, to this Voice, it will always keep your from harms way. So, when it tells you not to do something, as obviously, it has, you will be spared possibly a painful incident, etc. Once you’ve learned to trust in this Voice and do your very best to live your life in a manner, where you treat others, as you’d want to be treated, life becomes less complicated. Sure, we’ll always go through and be tested, trials and tribulations are ever present but it will make life smoother.

Not everybody plays by the rules. Quite often, in this world, it’s prey or be preyed upon. But I still feel, if a man/woman answers to themselves, they must be able to look in the mirror and have a truthful heart. As well, you must come to grips with the fact that not everybody will see things as you do. Nor will they always embrace your values and beliefs. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. You’ll see people who stay busy at getting over. There are people on the low down, out to scam and take what is not theirs. They want what you have but don’t want to work to get it. You’ll see people who work extremely hard at getting out of work, their lack of a work ethic surely sucks but should I allow it to affect me? No, I won’t and they will never have my respect. Really, this is what it all boils down to; Respect.

People don’t have to like you but you must always command their respect. You will do this by not allowing them to break you, never bow to it. So what if they don’t like you? You can and will live without their approval, unworthy affection or friendship. But I guarantee you, no matter what they say, they will always, secretly respect you because you are not weak, you have principles and you are willing to uphold them.

Most kids that smoke and drink are simply trying to fit in and act adult. I smoke and can still remember my motivation, at 12 years old. Yes, I wanted to be a big girl, a woman. Here I am, 48 years old, a woman with a habit. So, who’s the idiot here? I also drank and smoked pot around that same time. There’s nothing cool about getting wasted, acting promiscuously, acting a fool and ultimately throwing up. What’s cool about that? Not a damn thing and if we could record all the porcelain confessions, the swearing to never drink again, “God if you only get me through this,” it might be amusing but we’d see just how ridiculous it really is.

The sad part, to all this, is that many of your so called friends will go on to have some nasty habits. Many will become Alcoholics. Many will, live in their Parents basement, smoking pot and not really functioning. Some will move on to bigger and better habits. Hopefully, they won’t go to Prison for those habits. Yes, I was in Prison and was incarcerated with many woman, who paid for their habits. From Vehicular Homicide as a result of DUI to selling their daughters for their crack habit, I’ve seen first hand what those supposed innocent habits can bring about.

I want you to really look in the mirror and begin to like/love yourself. I want you to see the young man you have become, an upstanding guy with credibility and morals and never back down from them. Never lose sight of what is right. You stay just the way you are and really take a long hard look at these so called friends. They are not friends, if they are talking behind your back. People that do such things are simply trying to take the emphasis, the eye off themselves. Yes, it is they, who have the problem, the self esteem issues. It is them that have no backbone and are weak. It is them, that will go on to unsavory situations and habits. It will not be you and you just might have an easy life because of it.

I suppose the gigantic point, I’m trying to make here is this;
If you are living right, doing your best, keeping yourself in check by being extremely honest with yourself, you must answer to no one. Always look at constructive criticism but steer clear of the negative people and remember that their opinions mean nothing. Friends come and go, you must gravitate towards those friends, those people who are positive, like yourself. I believe you are basically, a very positive person who has allowed those that are negative, those that are jealous, of your positive outlook. You’ve allowed them to pull you down. Get up, brush yourself off and walk away from the likes of these people. You might not have a friend in the world, for a minute but that won’t last. Besides, you’re going to have a wonderful life, watch and see.
Stand your ground. Be empowered by it. Allow it to impact your life and rise above. I believe in you. Now, you must begin, to believe in you.

Keeping It Real,

Aunt Babz

PS, Each and every time, that someone laughs, at you, at something you say, hold your head up high, don’t be condescending but simply smile, as if you are laughing inside. Here are a few choice statements which will always put them in their place;

“I guess you don’t have the intellect to grasp that, huh?”

“And that was real mature, right?”

“I don’t need to get high or smoke to pretend to be a man or to have a good time.”

**2 Tim 1: 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Dear Anonymous,

You have to stay true to yourself spiritually and mentally, just as Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.”

The biggest thing is, if you don’t have a sense of self, you don’t have anything. A centering of self, is most important.

Kids are cruel, count on it because they’re so confused, as to who they are and they have an insecurity within themselves, a low self esteem which they like to project onto others.

The fact of the matter is that one day all this bulls*** will seem like nothing. In a few years, it won’t mean a thing and you’ll see this. You’ll look back and see just how trivial it all is and was.

You should reach out. If you can go to an elder for guidance, do it. Find some counseling, ask for counseling. You do not have to go through this alone. What you are going through, I went through, as well. I was depressed all the time.

It’s not being weak or stupid to go to an elder or to seek counseling. Actually, it’s a smart thing to do. Anyone that that uses the tools provided him, in life, is smarter, wiser and will be more well equipped to deal and handle life’s calamity’s and so on.

Any time you get to a point where you can’t find the fun, in things that should make you happy, there is something wrong. Act on this advice and go to a guidance counselor. All schools have some sort of Guidance Staff. You simply go to them and ask them to point you in the right direction. Find counseling through them. Then, you purge, you get it all out. Therapists do not have answers but what they do is help you work through all those feelings. They’ll help you to look at the origin, what is rational, what is not and give you ways to deal. You’ll learn “coping skills.”

You have nothing to lose. It can only be a win/win situation. Get it? Feel free to write me. I had a very traumatic time in High School. I hated it, every single day, every minute, so I can completely understand. I was taunted and teased. I felt hated and talked about. Because I am gay, people were so mean. I was beat up, beat down, spit on and I became so depressed, so hurt by it, that it affected me for years. It made me suicidal, it was bad, real bad. I wish I’d had someone to guide me through and I wish I’d had the tools, I acquired later on, to deal with it, understand it and work through it. I got all that through counseling. I hope you will seek counseling. It’s the smart thing to do.

I wish you only the best and a realization that you are not alone, concerning what you are going through. If nothing else, we are here, I am here and you can always write us. Believe it or not, we do care. Want to know why? Because we’ve all suffered, calamity, trials and tribulation, down right having the shit stomped out of us and we’ve learned from it. We were given the gift of a realization and maybe even a bit of wisdom, we’ve learned from it all. Now, it’s a sense of “giving back.”

I hope you’ll read all of this and if nothing else, take notice of the answer, just to and for you. We understand and we care. If we didn’t care, why would we bother with this at all? We’re here for you. As well, you may always write us, in fact, I personally would enjoy hearing from you in hopes that you will run with this. Keep us updated please. Wishing you much joy, happiness and a realization that you can rise above this.

Blessings & Bliss,


Dear Respectfully Anonymous,

A letter like yours is heart breaking to say the least. And I wish to all the gods that I could bring you the happiness that you seek. But the reality is that I cannot. However, I believe very strongly that we as individuals can turn our lives around and make good what now seems so bleak.

It is a difficult stage that you are going through, and it makes things harder to have this time referred to as “a stage”. But bear with me for a few paragraphs okay?

The “friends” that you have right now are a**holes. You don’t need them. And you know this… which is why I am thinking that you are trying to keep your enemies close, so to speak. Which quite frankly is ingenious. However it is unsatisfying because you no longer get to do the things that you want to do (like read and visit your family and so on). Being in an all boys school has got to be rough too… since there seems to be no distractions (like girls) to have. So I can see you are in a tight spot here.

So now you are pretty much looking at doing one of two things;

1- Keeping up with this charade, of image. Doing the things you do not like to, to keep up appearance. Generally being dissatisfied in your life and running the risk of severe depression and (hopefully not, but this can go here real fast) risk of suicide.

2- Saying “F*** it” to all this nonsense and living life the way you want and not worrying about those who would oppose you.

The first is easy to “do”, Hard to live with. The second is hard to “do”, easy to live with. But it is all up to you how you want your life to be. Do you want to be continuously afraid to be yourself? Do you want to repress your soul, your life, your being because of other non-important people?

And this is where it gets really hard. Being yourself IS hard when you are a teenager. It is made hard by people who act like sheep, flocking and mimicking so that they do not have to deal with their own insecurities. And I know of plenty of people who mimicked their way through high school and made it out to be who they wanted to be. But it was disappointing and they didn’t get out of life the experience of knowing who they were. It took much longer to have that realization and it was difficult.

Of course, those of us who have “lived the tale” and were themselves have some bad things too. I was bullied by a girl for a straight two years because of who I was. No other reason. But you know, I don’t have regrets about my teenhood. Not about who I was at any rate. And I think that is the difference. I can rest easy now, knowing that I was myself (to a point.. because lets face it, we all get really into our skins when we are older) and that I didn’t let myself down. And the people who were assholes then?? Some turned out not to be so bad once they were able to grow up too. And some, are just as much an asshole now as they were then. But those people are not in my life, and no where near it.

The biggest test is going to be weather you can handle who you are and being who you are. Usually the most aware of themselves get a lot of the “brunt” because others are jealous. I know that sounds really lame. But its’ true. You will know who you are, you will know what you enjoy, and you will only do the things to which make you happy. You will not follow a sheep, you will not be a sheep. And THAT will make those insecure sheep like boys livid. Why? Because they will wish that they could do as you have done. They might not envy what you do.. but they will envy your actions and you ability to pursue them. Think about that for a minute. Because as sure as I am that they would deny this in a heartbeat, I am sure that this is the case.

So. You have two choices. And neither are 100% easy. Your happiness is in your hands.

Take care, and I hope you do find that happiness you so deserve.


Never Lose Sight of What is Right…

In Fear, Gay Issues, Porcelain Confessions, Self-Esteem Issues, Small, Soulseer, Still Voice, Xmichra on January 5, 2008 at 1:11 pm

Dear Aunt B,

I am afraid. Afraid of life. I’m a teenager studying in an all boys school and my life is a complete mess. I no longer enjoy the things I used to do because others say it’s only what losers do. I’m afraid of going out with my own family now for fear of being spotted by classmates who are out with friends and being called a loser. The things I used to enjoy like reading, playing video games and playing sports for just fun are now a complete waste of time for me. To add to that, my “friends” keep on teasing and insulting me because I don’t go out with them and they don’t believe my excuses. Why would I, anyway? All they’ll do is drink and smoke while I strive to be free of bad habits. For them, these are what “cool” guys do. Once I did go out with a close friend but all he did was embarrass me. I’m afraid of every school day and the night before for fear that something bad’s gonna happen. I also believe I’m losing my friends and losing my self- esteem. Sometimes, I barely sleep at night for lack of peace at heart. I’m nervous every time I go out by myself and I’m losing self confidence. I don’t have the courage to talk anymore because they’ll just laugh and mock the things I say. I’m suspecting that I’m always gossiped about and backstabbed at school. I think I’m also despised at class because I’m not good in sports, which I think is a very shallow reason. To wrap it all up, I’m not enjoying life. I realize just how young I am and to not enjoy life now would affect my future badly. So please, I pray, help me make my life happy again. I wouldn’t want to jump into any quick and dangerous solutions. Thanks for your help, I will greatly appreciate it.
Respectfully Yours,


Dear Anonymous,

You are not designed, to have a **spirit of fear. Remember this.

My answer may seem a bit long winded but I hope you’ll read it, as well as Soulseer and Xmichra’s answers for you.

I like your standards and I think they’re quite commendable. Stand your ground. Never compromise good values and beliefs. If you have to be this way, the rest of your natural born life, never bow to peer pressure. Those that are supposed friends, who act and behave in a manner unbecoming, unworthy of your friendship are exactly that; Unworthy of your friendship!

Stand your ground, even if you have to stand alone. But hold your head up high, unpretentiously. Never have an air of superiority. Let me point out to you, that quite often, those that attack you, most certainly feel beneath you, in one way or another. You must not allow this to take you down. No, in fact, you must allow it to empower you, spur you on to becoming a better person. It all comes down to self esteem. Yes, self esteem, yours, there’s, ours, almost always, factor in as to how you are perceived, how you are treated and so forth.

I can see that you are highly intelligent. You’ve managed to learn, gained some wisdom, early on as to what works and what doesn’t, what’s smart and what’s not so smart.

In all due reality, I more than realize, just how difficult it is, to be your own person. I mean, we all want to be accepted, that’s just a fact. Equally, when we are not, it can and does weigh heavily. More dumb and regrettable crap is done, in the name of peer pressure, than we’d all, ever, care to admit. I did it, you’ve done it but we must choose, to live our lives, by learning from our mistakes. When we choose to learn from those mistakes, they are no longer mistakes but learning experiences. In my journey, I have many and will have many more. As well, you will too. Live and learn, that’s all.


In the real world, as we walk through our every day life, you will eventually realize that you are alone. You must often stand against the world, in a dilemma, crisis or pain and bear the brunt of it all, virtually alone. Yes, you’ll most likely have a mate, family and friends, to share in some of this but for the most part, you’ll find, it’s just you and you alone. This may sound dismal? But my point is that it is you who must look in the mirror and you must learn to be honest with yourself. It is also you, who must know how to, not fold under pressure.

Answer to no one but yourself and your Higher Power, which I personally choose to call God. Do nothing which goes against your grain. See, I am a firm believer in, what I call the, “Small, Still Voice.” It is your conscience, as some may call it, I believe it is our Spirit, which has been installed to guide us through life. If you begin to pay attention, to this Voice, it will always keep your from harms way. So, when it tells you not to do something, as obviously, it has, you will be spared possibly a painful incident, etc. Once you’ve learned to trust in this Voice and do your very best to live your life in a manner, where you treat others, as you’d want to be treated, life becomes less complicated. Sure, we’ll always go through and be tested, trials and tribulations are ever present but it will make life smoother.

Not everybody plays by the rules. Quite often, in this world, it’s prey or be preyed upon. But I still feel, if a man/woman answers to themselves, they must be able to look in the mirror and have a truthful heart. As well, you must come to grips with the fact that not everybody will see things as you do. Nor will they always embrace your values and beliefs. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. You’ll see people who stay busy at getting over. There are people on the low down, out to scam and take what is not theirs. They want what you have but don’t want to work to get it. You’ll see people who work extremely hard at getting out of work, their lack of a work ethic surely sucks but should I allow it to affect me? No, I won’t and they will never have my respect. Really, this is what it all boils down to; Respect.

People don’t have to like you but you must always command their respect. You will do this by not allowing them to break you, never bow to it. So what if they don’t like you? You can and will live without their approval, unworthy affection or friendship. But I guarantee you, no matter what they say, they will always, secretly respect you because you are not weak, you have principles and you are willing to uphold them.

Most kids that smoke and drink are simply trying to fit in and act adult. I smoke and can still remember my motivation, at 12 years old. Yes, I wanted to be a big girl, a woman. Here I am, 48 years old, a woman with a habit. So, who’s the idiot here? I also drank and smoked pot around that same time. There’s nothing cool about getting wasted, acting promiscuously, acting a fool and ultimately throwing up. What’s cool about that? Not a damn thing and if we could record all the porcelain confessions, the swearing to never drink again, “God if you only get me through this,” it might be amusing but we’d see just how ridiculous it really is.

The sad part, to all this, is that many of your so called friends will go on to have some nasty habits. Many will become Alcoholics. Many will, live in their Parents basement, smoking pot and not really functioning. Some will move on to bigger and better habits. Hopefully, they won’t go to Prison for those habits. Yes, I was in Prison and was incarcerated with many woman, who paid for their habits. From Vehicular Homicide as a result of DUI to selling their daughters for their crack habit, I’ve seen first hand what those supposed innocent habits can bring about.

I want you to really look in the mirror and begin to like/love yourself. I want you to see the young man you have become, an upstanding guy with credibility and morals and never back down from them. Never lose sight of what is right. You stay just the way you are and really take a long hard look at these so called friends. They are not friends, if they are talking behind your back. People that do such things are simply trying to take the emphasis, the eye off themselves. Yes, it is they, who have the problem, the self esteem issues. It is them that have no backbone and are weak. It is them, that will go on to unsavory situations and habits. It will not be you and you just might have an easy life because of it.

I suppose the gigantic point, I’m trying to make here is this;
If you are living right, doing your best, keeping yourself in check by being extremely honest with yourself, you must answer to no one. Always look at constructive criticism but steer clear of the negative people and remember that their opinions mean nothing. Friends come and go, you must gravitate towards those friends, those people who are positive, like yourself. I believe you are basically, a very positive person who has allowed those that are negative, those that are jealous, of your positive outlook. You’ve allowed them to pull you down. Get up, brush yourself off and walk away from the likes of these people. You might not have a friend in the world, for a minute but that won’t last. Besides, you’re going to have a wonderful life, watch and see.
Stand your ground. Be empowered by it. Allow it to impact your life and rise above. I believe in you. Now, you must begin, to believe in you.

Keeping It Real,

Aunt Babz

PS, Each and every time, that someone laughs, at you, at something you say, hold your head up high, don’t be condescending but simply smile, as if you are laughing inside. Here are a few choice statements which will always put them in their place;

“I guess you don’t have the intellect to grasp that, huh?”

“And that was real mature, right?”

“I don’t need to get high or smoke to pretend to be a man or to have a good time.”

**2 Tim 1: 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Dear Anonymous,

You have to stay true to yourself spiritually and mentally, just as Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.”

The biggest thing is, if you don’t have a sense of self, you don’t have anything. A centering of self, is most important.

Kids are cruel, count on it because they’re so confused, as to who they are and they have an insecurity within themselves, a low self esteem which they like to project onto others.

The fact of the matter is that one day all this bulls*** will seem like nothing. In a few years, it won’t mean a thing and you’ll see this. You’ll look back and see just how trivial it all is and was.

You should reach out. If you can go to an elder for guidance, do it. Find some counseling, ask for counseling. You do not have to go through this alone. What you are going through, I went through, as well. I was depressed all the time.

It’s not being weak or stupid to go to an elder or to seek counseling. Actually, it’s a smart thing to do. Anyone that that uses the tools provided him, in life, is smarter, wiser and will be more well equipped to deal and handle life’s calamity’s and so on.

Any time you get to a point where you can’t find the fun, in things that should make you happy, there is something wrong. Act on this advice and go to a guidance counselor. All schools have some sort of Guidance Staff. You simply go to them and ask them to point you in the right direction. Find counseling through them. Then, you purge, you get it all out. Therapists do not have answers but what they do is help you work through all those feelings. They’ll help you to look at the origin, what is rational, what is not and give you ways to deal. You’ll learn “coping skills.”

You have nothing to lose. It can only be a win/win situation. Get it? Feel free to write me. I had a very traumatic time in High School. I hated it, every single day, every minute, so I can completely understand. I was taunted and teased. I felt hated and talked about. Because I am gay, people were so mean. I was beat up, beat down, spit on and I became so depressed, so hurt by it, that it affected me for years. It made me suicidal, it was bad, real bad. I wish I’d had someone to guide me through and I wish I’d had the tools, I acquired later on, to deal with it, understand it and work through it. I got all that through counseling. I hope you will seek counseling. It’s the smart thing to do.

I wish you only the best and a realization that you are not alone, concerning what you are going through. If nothing else, we are here, I am here and you can always write us. Believe it or not, we do care. Want to know why? Because we’ve all suffered, calamity, trials and tribulation, down right having the shit stomped out of us and we’ve learned from it. We were given the gift of a realization and maybe even a bit of wisdom, we’ve learned from it all. Now, it’s a sense of “giving back.”

I hope you’ll read all of this and if nothing else, take notice of the answer, just to and for you. We understand and we care. If we didn’t care, why would we bother with this at all? We’re here for you. As well, you may always write us, in fact, I personally would enjoy hearing from you in hopes that you will run with this. Keep us updated please. Wishing you much joy, happiness and a realization that you can rise above this.

Blessings & Bliss,


Dear Respectfully Anonymous,

A letter like yours is heart breaking to say the least. And I wish to all the gods that I could bring you the happiness that you seek. But the reality is that I cannot. However, I believe very strongly that we as individuals can turn our lives around and make good what now seems so bleak.

It is a difficult stage that you are going through, and it makes things harder to have this time referred to as “a stage”. But bear with me for a few paragraphs okay?

The “friends” that you have right now are a**holes. You don’t need them. And you know this… which is why I am thinking that you are trying to keep your enemies close, so to speak. Which quite frankly is ingenious. However it is unsatisfying because you no longer get to do the things that you want to do (like read and visit your family and so on). Being in an all boys school has got to be rough too… since there seems to be no distractions (like girls) to have. So I can see you are in a tight spot here.

So now you are pretty much looking at doing one of two things;

1- Keeping up with this charade, of image. Doing the things you do not like to, to keep up appearance. Generally being dissatisfied in your life and running the risk of severe depression and (hopefully not, but this can go here real fast) risk of suicide.

2- Saying “F*** it” to all this nonsense and living life the way you want and not worrying about those who would oppose you.

The first is easy to “do”, Hard to live with. The second is hard to “do”, easy to live with. But it is all up to you how you want your life to be. Do you want to be continuously afraid to be yourself? Do you want to repress your soul, your life, your being because of other non-important people?

And this is where it gets really hard. Being yourself IS hard when you are a teenager. It is made hard by people who act like sheep, flocking and mimicking so that they do not have to deal with their own insecurities. And I know of plenty of people who mimicked their way through high school and made it out to be who they wanted to be. But it was disappointing and they didn’t get out of life the experience of knowing who they were. It took much longer to have that realization and it was difficult.

Of course, those of us who have “lived the tale” and were themselves have some bad things too. I was bullied by a girl for a straight two years because of who I was. No other reason. But you know, I don’t have regrets about my teenhood. Not about who I was at any rate. And I think that is the difference. I can rest easy now, knowing that I was myself (to a point.. because lets face it, we all get really into our skins when we are older) and that I didn’t let myself down. And the people who were assholes then?? Some turned out not to be so bad once they were able to grow up too. And some, are just as much an asshole now as they were then. But those people are not in my life, and no where near it.

The biggest test is going to be weather you can handle who you are and being who you are. Usually the most aware of themselves get a lot of the “brunt” because others are jealous. I know that sounds really lame. But its’ true. You will know who you are, you will know what you enjoy, and you will only do the things to which make you happy. You will not follow a sheep, you will not be a sheep. And THAT will make those insecure sheep like boys livid. Why? Because they will wish that they could do as you have done. They might not envy what you do.. but they will envy your actions and you ability to pursue them. Think about that for a minute. Because as sure as I am that they would deny this in a heartbeat, I am sure that this is the case.

So. You have two choices. And neither are 100% easy. Your happiness is in your hands.

Take care, and I hope you do find that happiness you so deserve.


Que Sera Sera

In Building Self Esteem, Empowerment Advice, Relationship Issues, Self-Esteem Issues on December 27, 2007 at 2:53 pm

Dear Aunt Babz, Alright, here goes. There are two boys in my life at this point in time. My best friend Trey, and my friends with benefits Aaron. I have had feelings for my best friend for quite a while now, and have told him this, and he has declined my request to be more. He thinks now that I have lost these feelings, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m not a very beautiful girl, and in realizing that, I understand that I won’t get many men to like me. Aaron says that he has these feelings for me, but when he told me this, I had no such feelings for him, but to give it a shot, and perhaps because I would like him in time, I took it to a instinctual level and told him that we could try friends with benefits for a while. During this time Trey has been sending me all together extremely confusing signals, that I can not distinguish between, him actually sending me signals to further our relationship, jealousy signals, or myself just hoping beyond belief that he wants something more. He will do things such as, wrestle with me, smack my rear end, let me lay on him, and say things such as “So you’re sleeping with me tonight right?” and “Now give me one wish”
Dear Confused,

I hope this doesn’t arrive too late. Because of the Holidays, I did not get to this and I do apologize. I’ve had company and my oldest son, Lee (Soulseer) is here, visiting from out of town. Even if it is too late and you’ve found yourself squeezed into doing something, you really didn’t want to do, we can still find some semblance of sanity in all this. Oh, and by the way, this is not annoying and I can totally relate.

I hope you are open enough, to allow this post, this message, this personal answer to you, to sink in, deep within your psyche. My hope is for you to digest it and use it as a teaching tool. My hope is for this to empower you. I want you to read it and re-read it, print it out and always keep it. I am going to tell it like it is, I may get graphic and I hope you are ready, willing and able to breathe it in…

First off, I’d love to be right there to smack your hand, for thinking that and I quote, “
I‘m not a very beautiful girl, and in realizing that, I understand that I won’t get many men to like me.” I wish I had an Aunt Babz who’d have smacked me right in the kisser, when I said the same thing.

I felt rather ugly growing up and did a lot of things, in the name of love, in search of someone to love me. I didn’t say no, could be, quite often, a people pleaser. It was primarily/mainly guys and I may have even had a reputation, all because of it. I’m quite sure I was brought up and talked about, in men’s rooms and so on, more than once. Guys do so love to brag about what they tapped and conquered, now don’t they? It was a different era and the 70’s were a time of,”Free Love,” but the song remains the same. Guaranteed. “Don’t be a Babz.”

It took me many years, many relationships and even one night stands to realize that if a guy really cares, he won’t pressure you. He’ll talk smack, add a dab of innuendo(i.e. what Trey has been doing) and most certainly make a move but he’ll know that no means no. Being a tease is not healthy, either. Girls that walk around with their thong hanging out, just as an example, can’t understand the depth of implication and the signal they are sending. They know what they’re doing but at the same time, see it more innocently than it actually is. They tease and it’s not right, it’s not fair and often find themselves in bad situations. Get my drift?

In all actuality, almost all guys want sex, it’s how they are hardwired and they think about it constantly. Quite often, they will tell you, what they think you need to hear, whisper sweet nothings, and whoops it’s all over as quick as you can open the condom wrapper.(Condoms are a must. Don’t think it won’t happen to you. It happened to me, both pregnancy at 16 and Hep C).

Guys love the hunt, the thrill of the kill, the conquest. Not all guys are like this but I sure met my share, enough to form an educated opinion, not to mention that I have three, testosterone permeating sons, of my own and yes, they tell me everything, even if I don’t wanna know. Yes, I get the how, when, what and why’s of it all.

I am telling it like it is, G-Friend. And, and, and, you’ll be lucky if they call you back because, quite often, they just wanted to get in your pants. You seem to have self control but your thinking may cause you to do things that are not conducive to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Don’t fall into that same nasty trap/trip, I did. You will have a hard time looking in the mirror, the next morn. Eventually, you may stop looking in the mirror. I know I quit, for many years!

Now, I’m gonna tell you something, it’s an old saying and I hope you don’t think I am calling you this, it’s not to be taken literally but take it as it’s intended;

“There’s a dog for every dog.”

What that means, is that even if you were the ugliest chick in the land, even if you were a Fiona, there’d be a Shrek (I think he’s hot anyway)out there, just waiting to love you. Never be desperate, never think desperate. You are wrong for feeling desperate. You have desperate thinking right now. We must stop this and put things into perspective. No more desperation. Say it with me…

See, I remember what it’s like to be a teenager and so on, (I just can’t remember yesterday, hahaha!)and I sure remember, my thoughts, feelings and so on. I guess I’m saying, I can relate. Yea, I’m 48 but don’t ya know that my sons, daughter-in-laws and their friends, call me, always invite me to their parties and want me around. It’s hell to be so popular, hahaha! (I am crazy and amuse them, probably)I guess, what I’m saying too is, in some respects, I think, very young, I’m still young at heart, I suppose? Really, who wants to grow up, anyway? That’s overrated, as well.I know where your head is at and there is an answer, if you’ll only believe, if you’ll take this and run with it.

First, let me commend you on keeping your virginity, as long as you have. In this day and age, it’s almost unheard of. Hopefully, you’ve not broken that record but if you have, it’s never too late to say no, the next time, ok? Far be it from me to throw stones, either, understand?

Sex is so over rated. I mean, sure, I’ve done more than my share, your share and Britney Spear’s share. But back in the day, back when I was a teenager, it was quite rare for any guy to even remotely try to please you, first. It was rarely gratifying. No, it was more of a wam bam and not even a thank ya ma’am. Let me also point out that there’s a huge difference between making whoopie and making love.

I know all about peer pressure, hell I think even into my 30’s, I’d done things because of peer pressure. Some things I was not proud of, I was a bad bad girl but we must try to live without regret, ok?

Sometimes, writing these posts makes me crazy, as I have so much to say to you. It’s often times difficult to put it all down. I’d love to know that you’d read as many posts, written with the tag, “Empowerment,” from my sidebar. It is all you need, a good ol’ dose of empowerment and thinking. You need to build your self-esteem!

For now, I am putting your situation aside. It’s actually not the important part of this message. We need to work on you and all other things will fall into place. Yes, ” Que sera sera, whatever will be will be.”

Life is what you make it. How you carry yourself, is detrimental. I’ve never met you in my life but I will tell you like it is and it all starts with honesty, honesty with yourself. Once you are utterly and savagely honest with yourself, once you can look in the mirror, see yourself for who you truly are, it is then and only then, that things will change.

Now, you look in the mirror and you see someone who’s not the epitome of a Movie Star, don’t you? You have been brutally honest with yourself, I know this but you weren’t able to put things into perspective. I’m no beauty queen, either but you have not been fair to yourself. No, you must learn to love yourself, be friends with yourself before you can love another, truly love.

Remember this; Whomever you choose as your life long mate, must be your best friend first.

We all have flaws, even the most beautiful people. Always remember this, as well; If you are looking for fault, you will find it.

Yes, you have looked for fault, within yourself but you failed to look for what is right, good and choice. You are not an ugly woman, I know this. You feel ugly and this is what you portray. If you do not stop this mentality, for the rest of your life, people, will see you this way. People will only see, what you want them to see. No, you must accentuate the positive, work with what God gave you and learn to shine, from within. Now, you may think this is a crock o’crap but what I give you are words to live by, words and thinking that will empower you.

Yes, you need some Behavioral Modification to the 9th power. I will tell you this much, as I said before, I am not a pretty woman but when people meet me, they remember me. Why is that Babz?

Because some of us are not born beautiful, we must work a little harder in accentuating the positive, as I said. Some of us have to get up in the morning and apply our make-up a certain way, to hide the freckles of life, as I do. Some of us don’t have that natural beauty, you know the one the world seems to judge you by. Those people are fake anyway and never fake the funk for them, ya heard? No, you be you and let them be them.

Because some of us are not born beautiful, we must allow our personalities to speak for us. When I walk into a room, they are never going to look at me and say, “Good God, she’s drop dead gorgeous.” I have found a place to live with that. Never cry over spilled milk, never cry over what you can not change. When I leave that room, they will have met a person who is witty, funny, not egotistical but real, assertive, grounded, a good and loyal friend, an all around humorous person who is positive, for the most part. Yep, you get what you see with me. You must also be that person.

You must begin with acceptance of yourself, who you are and then begin to be who you can be, all you can be. Work with what you have and stop looking for fault in yourself. Take notice of how you look for fault, in/at yourself. See, if we are looking for fault, in anybody, we will find it. You will find it in Aaron, if you choose and you have and you will even find it in Trey, if you look for it. This applies to anything and everything. It applies in your marriage, in/with your husband and so on. In example, I’m sure you’ve fallen head over heels in love, when you were a kid or even not that long ago. At first, you don’t see their faults, as you don’t choose to see them, right? All of a sudden, even with Aaron, you begin to see things in them, notice their faults, maybe even look for them. It then leaves a bad taste in your mouth and you break up. Any relationship can and will work, if you do not look for fault. Understand?

Now, back to you. Once you have been brutally honest with yourself, see your faults, then look for the good, the positive and you must strive to see it, you must then strive, really work to make the positive your persona. If you have bad habits, if you are really over weight, if you are a negative person, you look at it and you do your best to change it. You must not allow it to over whelm you, this change. Too many girls are out there, Anorexic puking their guts out, ruining their teeth and developing an Esophageal Varices, all in the name of losing weight because of unreal expectations. I have first hand knowledge, concerning this, as this was me.

You are angry, in your life, about something, (that’s between you and me, I won’t be specific)and you must do your best to get it out of your system. You must cut it out like a cancer because it will eat you alive. Anger kills and whatever it is you are angry about, you must begin to realize that you are the one that suffers for it. No one else, just you. When that happened to you, a few years ago, it wasn’t your fault. You go from anger to shame, from anger to guilt and back again. Let it go. You can’t change it you can only own it and yourself. You can’t erase the past, you can only rise above it.

The people who should be important in your life are those that appreciate you, for you. If they do not have the depth to see you, the real you, they really don’t matter. If they are the type that will look at you, for surface beauty and judge you, in that capacity, why would you even want to give them the time of day?

There will always be people who are that way, you know fake, plastic seekers. The guys that want the “Trophy Chick,” on their arm, will often find, that they’re not anything more than, something to look at. Perception is everything, for some men and they do often seek that Playgirl pinup. But the important factors in any relationship, is not sex. Sure, sex makes the world go round but a relationship it does not make. Meaning, after the lovin’, if you have nothing to talk about, nothing in common, no friendship to speak of, there are too many hours to fill. In the real world, a sexual session, for no better terminology found, does not last that long. For real, there’s no making love for hours upon hours. It rarely lasts that long, hell it rarely lasts more than minutes. So, if you just burned 1 out of 24 hours, what will you do next? Yes, that leaves 23 hours with this person. What will you talk about, if you have nothing in common?

Having said all this, your question in general is answered, almost by itself, within the scope of your low self esteem issues. I don’t know who did this to you or why but it is clear to me that you do not believe in yourself. You will suffer for it, the rest of your life, if you do not, now, take back control. See, if you don’t love you, really no one else can. You must first begin to seek happiness within yourself. You are young enough to change it all right now. Do not be discouraged, you can and will do this.

You are highly intelligent, very perceptive, a bit on the pessimistic side but an over all fun person. You are of more value than you anticipate. Stop bleeding yourself and begin to realize that the expectations you’ve set or rather, your views on how things should be are based not on fact but the kind of crap tabloids exploit. Especially girls, tend to fall into this trap. Be real, be you and just be the best you, you can be. Begin to re-evaluate your perceptions and values and beliefs. What other people think does not matter and you must always remember this. Otherwise, fold your cards and sit in a closet. Is that what you want?

You are on the cusp of becoming an adult, a real woman. I want to see you survive the bullshit society places, the unreal expectations, on a woman. Become assertive and sure of yourself. Take no prisoners. Give no crap, take no crap but most of all believe in yourself.

Begin a study of yourself. Then, do your homework. Start by reading some posts on Empowerment and begin to apply it to you. I have, approximately 36 posts, which speak of empowerment, practices and advice. Read as many as you can, take what you can from them and begin to heal yourself. Begin to become the woman, I believe you can be. This is your answer and all other things will begin to fall into place. You owe this to yourself and don’t you ever forget it!

Keeping It Real,

Aunt Babz

* Knowing What’s Best for Baby *

In Accusing, Infidelity, Pregnancy, Self-Esteem Issues on November 9, 2007 at 1:50 pm

This was sent to Aunt Babz via email…

dear aunt Babz,
I am wondering what to do about my boyfriend of 6 months, he is to possesive and always suspects that i am upto no good, we are in a long distance relationship so i to some extent understand, when we go out and he a guy looking at me he accuses me that i am involved with the guy,as a result this has always caused us to have major fights and have broken up many times and making up .
He keeps a record of all the fights that we have and he always brings them up. I honestly do not understand what his problem is since he is always trying to find fault with me.
His birthday was last month and i was expecting him home since he had communicated this, i therefore did not send him his gift since i wanted to give it to him in person. He did not take this well and said that the least i should have done was to send him a card.. After we spoke that night he said he will talk to me the next day.
He has kept quiet for over 2 weeks and the other day he sent a text to say that he does not want to be in this relationship any more.
I am dumbfounded and wonders how he could break up because of a simple birthday card.
I have not responded to him and i am honestly thinking that I will not be happy if ii continue to be in this relationship.The problem is I am 3 months pregnant with his baby .Please advice me on what to do.
distressed mom to be

Dear Distressed Mom to Be,

I don’t think dumbfounded is an exaggeration on your part… especially since this guy was acting like a class A jerk.

I personally wouldn’t take another second of time wasted on this guy. Control freaks are mental when it comes to not being able to recognize their obsession, and they are way too unpredictable.

You are pregnant, which poses a bit of a question of weather you can make it without him. And I assure you, you can. In fact the worst possible thing you could do (in my opinion) is to let a child come into this distrustful and destructive relationship. See, a guy like this will fly off the handle over a birthday card. What’s going to happen when he has to change a diaper filled over with diarrhea? Or wake up at 3am because the baby is screaming? Or when you need a break and want time away from the house and the baby? I can tell you, it won’t be pretty.

Another point, is that if you guys keep breaking up and getting back together again.. well that is just not going to cut it when there is a child involved. That much instability will affect your child, and honestly isn’t healthy for you either.

If I were you I would cut my ties with this guy romantically and ask him to be a part of your child’s life. He is entitled to that much. But to continue down the road of on again/ off again and tantrums and control… that is way too much hassle for anyone let alone a Mom to be.

Let us know if you need help hooking up with a support group for single Moms, or anything else that we can help you out with okay?

Take care, and good luck.


Aunt Babz Said…

I tend to agree with Xmichra on this. I would encourage you to cut the ties now, rather than continue in an unhealthy relationship. I’ve never read real medical documentation but I somehow feel that your child is affected by your demeanor during your pregnancy. If you’re constantly scrutinized, picked apart and made to feel badly about yourself, I believe it will not be good for you or your baby.

I also agree with Xmichra, when she told you that you can do this by yourself. No one promises that life will be easy, ever but Happiness is surely a state of mind, my Dear. If you have to live in a small apartment and eat Ramen noodles and fruit till your ship comes in, you will believe and feel you are happy, no matter what. Or because you don’t believe you can do this alone, you can force the situation with this guy. Yes, for forever you will have to answer for everything you don’t do wrong, all the made up iniquities and insecurities he has and so on. He obviously has a low self-esteem and doesn’t feel good about himself.

What I have found is this; When a guy portrays and acts like you are always fooling around, acting like you are fooling around or he is always accusing you of fooling around, I have found that it is almost a window to his own heart and behaviors, right there for the world to see. What I mean is that men like that don’t realize it but at least I can see that when they are always accusing you, when you’ve done nothing to provoke it, you’ve done nothing really, to make them not trust you, it is a clear cut reflection of how they actually think. They figure since their mentality is to fool around, that you will do the same thing. Think about that. Yes, I’d be willing to place a bet on this one…he will not be faithful.

Cut the ties, move on, raise your baby in a healthy and happy home.

In Boundary Issues, Healthy Boundaries, Self Honesty, Self Truth, Self-Esteem Issues on July 25, 2007 at 2:21 pm

Friday, July 20, 2007

Bountiful Beautiful Boundaries

This was sent to Aunt Babz via email…
Hi B,
I got the sense reading your site that you might have something interesting to say about the following situation. If you do, I’d really love to hear it ’cause I’m right stuck trying to figure it out.


This is kind of a complex problem, I’ll attempt to be as concise as possible.

My problem is in the way that I communicate myself to people I have just met. I seem to give off some kind of vibe that suggests that I want to get really close to people really fast. This happens with both men and women and I have a long history of it. It’s much worse with men because of the obvious sexual aspect. Suddenly people I’ve just met are telling me intimate details of their lives and acting like we’re life-long friends, or worse some guy I’ve just met figures he can start touching me or even directly asking me to sleep with him! After only an hour or so conversation! It’s not everyone I meet of course, but it happens a lot-they don’t seem to get that I want relationships (platonic and otherwise) to proceed at a sane pace. What’s even worse is that when a misunderstanding occurs I feel awful about it and am loathe to embarrass them, so I end up playing along until I can find a way to physically escape the encounter, then I dread bumping into them. It makes me feel sneaky and dishonest.

I’ve given it a lot of thought and I can’t seem to pinpoint an exact cause, this is what I know:

I do not dress provocatively and I am very careful not to exhibit sexually suggestive body language.
My looks are about average, nobody’s attracted to my stunning beauty.
I am a very respectful and polite communicator; always wanting people to feel at ease I am careful to listen and to not give offense, I try to show empathy to their points of view. I never put people down, I smile and accept others. When I express opposing view points I do it gently. I’m willing to discuss pretty much anything (but obviously not a lot of personal details about myself early on)
I apply a lot of social lubricant-filling silences before they become uncomfortable, telling funny stories, trying to include everyone present, that kind of thing. Also I’m enthusiastic, so I talk animatedly and smile a lot.

I am happy that people feel at ease and want to open up to me, it makes meeting people a lot easier. Also I am a writer and there’s a lot of inspiration to be had by meeting people and talking to them, I really enjoy it. BUT somehow it ends up being more than a casual conversation and they start having expectations of me that I didn’t agree to. AND because I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or embarrass them, when I know it’s gone too far I have trouble setting the record straight. Of course I could say “HEY! BACK THE HELL OFF!”, but it’s not my style and I’d feel just awful watching their reactions. The way things are though, people get hurt and disappointed anyway (when I book-it out of there), and any possibility of a mutual relationship with these people is lost.

Finally, it’s bad enough on an average day, but I’m travelling alone in SE Asia, meeting people all the time, and cultural differences are a big part of it. I find that here NONE of my subtle hints (not holding a eye contact that is too intimate, slightly pulling away if a person gets too close, etc…) work at all and it’s happening more than ever! Add to that a need to show proper respect as a visitor and I feel totally stuck! It potentially puts me at risk, AND gets in the way of making personal contacts.

SO how do I project an expectation of personal space without being rude and without giving up the chance to have great conversations; and once a misunderstanding has occurred, how do I diffuse the situation without making people uncomfortable? I’d really love to hear to hear your insights on the situation.

Thank you so much for your help B,
Girlaboutglobe, Canadian, 27

Dear Girlaboutglobe,

There was a time, when I went through the exact same thing. I was the one people chose to confess their deepest darkest secrets to, still am, in that respect but I don’t get hit on, like I used to. Doggonnit. But I have the persona, where people feel the need to tell it all, give it all and often touch all.

I did not grow up in a touchy, feely family. When I used to go to AA/NA meetings, people were always hugging and we had to hold hands. I would cringe and have a bit of anxiety, as I am not like that and I’m not comfortable, or at least I wasn’t.

It’s all called “Boundary” issues. Some of us have no boundaries, good or bad. Some of us have issues and have extensive boundaries.

Boundaries can be interpreted in many different ways. It can be issues of how we interact with others, in a physical way or how we communicate. An example of this, is my approach to life. I have few boundaries, when it comes to spitting things out. Some times, I do it for shock value, sometimes, I do it or say something, to make my point. Most often, it is because I am not Politically Correct and I speak the truth, even if it makes you cringe.

Another form of boundaries, might be, what and how you share with family or friends, new friends, associates and so on. To explain this, I will use my own relationship with my sons. We have very few boundaries, when communicating. Most people would either die laughing or curl up in a little ball, from just one exchange between myself and any one of my sons. We talk about everything, they tell me everything and there’s only real graphic detail, that I am spared. In example, my youngest, we fondly call, “Johnny Appleseed,” or “Romeo” will tell me of his sexual escapades like he might a buddy. He told me about going to a strip club, in Chicago about a month ago. He’d gone home with four of the strippers. Curious as to what had happened, he told me that , No, he’d not slept with them but all four had danced around their apartment naked and a couple had given him a lap dance. He told me this beaming with pride and prowess, as he usually does, when it comes to conquering the women.

My middle son and I were just talking about, he and his wife and her, “No butt lovin’ rule.” He likes to kid her and pretend like she’s not fulfilling her husbands needs by denying him, kiddingly, tattle taled to me on the phone. She was giggling, like a school girl, in the background. Of course, I defended her, hahaha!

My oldest son, who happens to be Gay, had told me a tale of his adventures in a NYC Club and without elaborating, it was, well, I did learn several things, I had no idea about, we’ll leave it at that.

If I were to repeat some of the things, you might even cringe. I do not have a lot of boundaries, when it comes to my sons, as you see and it often , is the same rule with people I speak with, friends and even on this site. I do get letters, some rather explicit, that I answer but do not publish. I do answer them though, that is my rule. So, the point of this, is that imaginary boundary line.

Here is a list of, so called healthy and unhealthy boundaries. I do not and can not agree with them all, on either spectrum but I do say, he has a good compilation.

So, boundaries can be either physical, emotional or the way we communicate. One thing, you may want to do is put on my Bitch Belt. You must begin to wear it, figuratively and begin to envision yourself with boundaries. Thus far, people can’t see it or feel it, possibly, more so with the guys.

Believe it or not, I think we are more instinctual, intuitive and all about reading body language and vibes, than we understand. I think most of us, don’t realize just how much, all this comes into play, in our every day lives and interactions with people. So far, my assumption, is that you have been somewhat passive-aggressive and I don’t mean this, so much, in the clinical aspect, the psychology of it. What I am referring to is the premise of boundaries and setting them, wearing them and understanding them.

Quite often, guys especially, tend to view a chick that is really friendly, as a target. Thus, the need for the Bitch Belt. You must become an assertive woman, inside and it will permeate, then, on the outside. If you have self-esteem issues, this does and can play an integral part within the scope of boundary issues and establishing healthy boundaries, within the scope of friendships and intimacy.

Begin by being honest with yourself. Look in the mirror and examine who you are, do what you can to improve, even if it’s a smile. Accept who you are and look for contentment within yourself. What I mean by this is, you must be happy with yourself, no matter what. Yes, we must always strive to improve ourselves, whether it is academically, intellectually or in the aspect of heath matters. But we can not change who we ultimately are. We can improve it and then accept it, can’t we?

So, begin to look at who you are, improve what you can, strive to be all you can and acceptance of you, is the key. Once you’ve accepted yourself, you will not feel the need to please or lose. Being able to say no, if you are uncomfortable is paramount. Wearing the persona of an assertive woman will place you in this position.

Bountiful Beautiful Boundaries

In Boundary Issues, Self Truth, Self-Esteem Issues on July 20, 2007 at 4:43 pm

This was sent to Aunt Babz via email…

Hi B,
I got the sense reading your site that you might have something interesting to say about the following situation. If you do, I’d really love to hear it ’cause I’m right stuck trying to figure it out.

This is kind of a complex problem, I’ll attempt to be as concise as possible.

My problem is in the way that I communicate myself to people I have just met. I seem to give off some kind of vibe that suggests that I want to get really close to people really fast. This happens with both men and women and I have a long history of it. It’s much worse with men because of the obvious sexual aspect. Suddenly people I’ve just met are telling me intimate details of their lives and acting like we’re life-long friends, or worse some guy I’ve just met figures he can start touching me or even directly asking me to sleep with him! After only an hour or so conversation! It’s not everyone I meet of course, but it happens a lot-they don’t seem to get that I want relationships (platonic and otherwise) to proceed at a sane pace. What’s even worse is that when a misunderstanding occurs I feel awful about it and am loathe to embarrass them, so I end up playing along until I can find a way to physically escape the encounter, then I dread bumping into them. It makes me feel sneaky and dishonest.

I’ve given it a lot of thought and I can’t seem to pinpoint an exact cause, this is what I know:

I do not dress provocatively and I am very careful not to exhibit sexually suggestive body language.
My looks are about average, nobody’s attracted to my stunning beauty.
I am a very respectful and polite communicator; always wanting people to feel at ease I am careful to listen and to not give offense, I try to show empathy to their points of view. I never put people down, I smile and accept others. When I express opposing view points I do it gently. I’m willing to discuss pretty much anything (but obviously not a lot of personal details about myself early on)
I apply a lot of social lubricant-filling silences before they become uncomfortable, telling funny stories, trying to include everyone present, that kind of thing. Also I’m enthusiastic, so I talk animatedly and smile a lot.

I am happy that people feel at ease and want to open up to me, it makes meeting people a lot easier. Also I am a writer and there’s a lot of inspiration to be had by meeting people and talking to them, I really enjoy it. BUT somehow it ends up being more than a casual conversation and they start having expectations of me that I didn’t agree to. AND because I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or embarrass them, when I know it’s gone too far I have trouble setting the record straight. Of course I could say “HEY! BACK THE HELL OFF!”, but it’s not my style and I’d feel just awful watching their reactions. The way things are though, people get hurt and disappointed anyway (when I book-it out of there), and any possibility of a mutual relationship with these people is lost.

Finally, it’s bad enough on an average day, but I’m travelling alone in SE Asia, meeting people all the time, and cultural differences are a big part of it. I find that here NONE of my subtle hints (not holding a eye contact that is too intimate, slightly pulling away if a person gets too close, etc…) work at all and it’s happening more than ever! Add to that a need to show proper respect as a visitor and I feel totally stuck! It potentially puts me at risk, AND gets in the way of making personal contacts.

SO how do I project an expectation of personal space without being rude and without giving up the chance to have great conversations; and once a misunderstanding has occurred, how do I diffuse the situation without making people uncomfortable? I’d really love to hear to hear your insights on the situation.

Thank you so much for your help B,
Girlaboutglobe, Canadian, 27

Dear Girlaboutglobe,

There was a time, when I went through the exact same thing. I was the one people chose to confess their deepest darkest secrets to, still am, in that respect but I don’t get hit on, like I used to. Doggonnit. But I have the persona, where people feel the need to tell it all, give it all and often touch all.

I did not grow up in a touchy, feely family. When I used to go to AA/NA meetings, people were always hugging and we had to hold hands. I would cringe and have a bit of anxiety, as I am not like that and I’m not comfortable, or at least I wasn’t.

It’s all called “Boundary” issues. Some of us have no boundaries, good or bad. Some of us have issues and have extensive boundaries.

Boundaries can be interpreted in many different ways. It can be issues of how we interact with others, in a physical way or how we communicate. An example of this, is my approach to life. I have few boundaries, when it comes to spitting things out. Some times, I do it for shock value, sometimes, I do it or say something, to make my point. Most often, it is because I am not Politically Correct and I speak the truth, even if it makes you cringe.

Another form of boundaries, might be, what and how you share with family or friends, new friends, associates and so on. To explain this, I will use my own relationship with my sons. We have very few boundaries, when communicating. Most people would either die laughing or curl up in a little ball, from just one exchange between myself and any one of my sons. We talk about everything, they tell me everything and there’s only real graphic detail, that I am spared. In example, my youngest, we fondly call, “Johnny Appleseed,” or “Romeo” will tell me of his sexual escapades like he might a buddy. He told me about going to a strip club, in Chicago about a month ago. He’d gone home with four of the strippers. Curious as to what had happened, he told me that , No, he’d not slept with them but all four had danced around their apartment naked and a couple had given him a lap dance. He told me this beaming with pride and prowess, as he usually does, when it comes to conquering the women.

My middle son and I were just talking about, he and his wife and her, “No butt lovin’ rule.” He likes to kid her and pretend like she’s not fulfilling her husbands needs by denying him, kiddingly, tattle taled to me on the phone. She was giggling, like a school girl, in the background. Of course, I defended her, hahaha!

My oldest son, who happens to be Gay, had told me a tale of his adventures in a NYC Club and without elaborating, it was, well, I did learn several things, I had no idea about, we’ll leave it at that.

If I were to repeat some of the things, you might even cringe. I do not have a lot of boundaries, when it comes to my sons, as you see and it often , is the same rule with people I speak with, friends and even on this site. I do get letters, some rather explicit, that I answer but do not publish. I do answer them though, that is my rule. So, the point of this, is that imaginary boundary line.

Here is a list of, so called healthy and unhealthy boundaries. I do not and can not agree with them all, on either spectrum but I do say, he has a good compilation.

So, boundaries can be either physical, emotional or the way we communicate. One thing, you may want to do is put on my Bitch Belt. You must begin to wear it, figuratively and begin to envision yourself with boundaries. Thus far, people can’t see it or feel it, possibly, more so with the guys.

Believe it or not, I think we are more instinctual, intuitive and all about reading body language and vibes, than we understand. I think most of us, don’t realize just how much, all this comes into play, in our every day lives and interactions with people. So far, my assumption, is that you have been somewhat passive-aggressive and I don’t mean this, so much, in the clinical aspect, the psychology of it. What I am referring to is the premise of boundaries and setting them, wearing them and understanding them.

Quite often, guys especially, tend to view a chick that is really friendly, as a target. Thus, the need for the Bitch Belt. You must become an assertive woman, inside and it will permeate, then, on the outside. If you have self-esteem issues, this does and can play an integral part within the scope of boundary issues and establishing healthy boundaries, within the scope of friendships and intimacy.

Begin by being honest with yourself. Look in the mirror and examine who you are, do what you can to improve, even if it’s a smile. Accept who you are and look for contentment within yourself. What I mean by this is, you must be happy with yourself, no matter what. Yes, we must always strive to improve ourselves, whether it is academically, intellectually or in the aspect of heath matters. But we can not change who we ultimately are. We can improve it and then accept it, can’t we?

So, begin to look at who you are, improve what you can, strive to be all you can and acceptance of you, is the key. Once you’ve accepted yourself, you will not feel the need to please or lose. Being able to say no, if you are uncomfortable is paramount. Wearing the persona of an assertive woman will place you in this position.